Prof. Gabriel Ben-Dor
Affiliated Professor and Head of the National Security Studies Program at the University of Haifa. A senior researcher and one of the founders of the NSSC
Room: 4031, Terrace Building
Phone: 04-8240050
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Dr. Dan Schueftan
Director of the National Security Studies Center
Dr. Dan Schueftan is the Director of the National Security Studies Center at the University of Haifa, a Senior Lecturer at the School of Political Sciences there, and at the Israel Defense Forces National Defense College. For the 2012-14 academic years he is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Government, Georgetown University in Washington DC. For the last four decades he has been a consultant to Israeli decision makers and to the top echelon of Israel's national security establishment as well as briefing senior political leaders and officials in the United States and Europe. Dr. Schueftan has published extensively on contemporary Middle Eastern history, with emphasis on Arab-Israeli relations, Inter-Arab politics and American policy in the Middle East. His books cover a wide variety of topics: A Jordanian Option - Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians (1986); Attrition: Egypt's Post War Political Strategy 1967-1970 (1989); Disengagement - Israel and the Palestinian Entity (1999) and Palestinians in Israel - the Arab Minority and the Jewish State (2011).
Terrace building, room 4003
Mount Carmel Haifa, 31905
University of Haifa
Phone: 04-8240045
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr. Eyal Lewin
Assistant professor of political science at Ariel University. His book Patriotism: Insights from Israel lays foundations for a fundamental political psychological comprehension of civic motivation. His book National resilience during war: Refining the decision-making model points to the exact combination of factors that are crucial for a nation's national resilience.
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Prof. Norman Bailey
Affiliated Professor and Research Fellow, was chief economist of the National Security Council during the Reagan administration and on the senior staff of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in the George W. Bush administration. Specilaizes in the role and function of economic statecraft in the new world political structure in which non-state actors are as important as traditional state actors.
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Dr. Ofer israeli
Research Fellow, Geostrategist – International Security Policy & Middle East Expert. Lecturer of International Relations Theory and Foreign Policy Decision Making at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) at Herzliya, the University of Haifa, Ben-Gurion University, Tel Aviv University, and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Academy.
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Dr. Avner Barnea
Research Fellow, Researcher of National Inelegance and promotes the research of counter inelegance.
Email: avnerpro
Lieutenant Colonel Royal Netherlands Army (ret.) Dr Marcel de Haas
Affiliated Professor and Research Fellow on Russian security policy and Russia's policy towards the Middle East
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Dr. Ziv Orenstein
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Dr. Amit Mukherjee
Research Fellow, pursuing India-Israel technological cooperation for security and strategic interests. He has a PhD on the area - Application of GIS forIndia’s Defence.
Email: toamitmukherjee
Dr. Rachel Swissa
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Dr. Yusri Khaizran
Research Fellow, researching political and social history of the Fertile Crescent. focusing on Israel and its relations with Middle Eastern minorities.
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